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About the college

  1. Details of the institution:

1.Name of the Institution : Rashtrya Uday Teachers Training College, Bikaner

2.Date of  Commencement of College Building    : 31.03.2004

3.Date of Start of functioning of college: 09-09-2006

4.Complete postal Address: F 2-3, Bechwal Industrial Area,Bikaner 334006(Raj.)
P.O. : Bechwal              City:  Bikaner
District:  Bikaner
State:  Rajasthan      Pin: 334006

1.4  Phone (with STD Code)    : 0151-2250501
1.5  E-mail                                  :
1.6  Webside Address              :
1.7  Nearest Railway Station   :  Bikaner Jn. (6 K.M.)
1.8  Nearest Town                     :  Bikaner
1.9  Type of Institution (Girls): Women.
1.10 Status of Institution (Minority/Non-Minority)  Non-Minority

  1. Management:

The college has its own management committee constituted on the basis of laid down  norms and regulations. The college is a self-financed body.

  1. Details of the Course applied for
  2. Level of the Course : Graduate
  3. Name of the Teacher : Faculty (Click Here)


 Education CourseB.Ed.
1.Duration of the CourseTwo Year
2.Whether to be conducted in facc-to-face or distance modeFace-to-Face
3.Proposed Intake200 seats (50x4 unit)
4.Ist Academic Session when the course started2006-07
5.Details of the Affiliating BodyM.G.S. University, Bikaner


2.Land Area in Sq. Mt.2575.00
3.Whether the Title of the Land is on Ownership BasisYes
4.Title of the land is on lease as per lawYes
5.Duration of the leaseOn Lease for 32 years basis
6.Land use Certificate obtained for Education InstitutionThe Certificate is issued by RIICO for educational purpose According to lease.


2.Construction of the building is completeYes
3.Building is yet to be constructedNo
4.Building is fire safety-proofYes
5.Building is disabled friendlyNo
6.Common room for boys/girls availableYes
7.Date of completion of the Building30.06.06
8.Covered Area in Sq. mt.2490.00 Sq. mt.
9.Number of Classrooms08
10.Other facilitiesAll Required Facility are availabe in college campus


2.The Library has a seprate reference section/journalsYes
3.Number of Books in the library6790
4.Total number of educational journals/ periodicals85 approx.
5.Number of encyclopedias available in the library3 Set ( One of NCERT)
6.Number of books availabe in the reference1029
7.Seating capacity of the reading room of the library40 Students


1.Instructional Facilities 
2.Details of laboratories availableAnnexure is attached
3.Arrangement made for practice teachingin near by Sec. School of the city.
4.Number and Name of School for Practice teaching:1. Govt. Middle School Police Line, Bikaner
2. K.A.M. School, Bikaner.
3. Baldev Senior Secondary School, Bikaner.
4. Govt. Upper Primary School No.1, Bikaner.
5. Nehru Public School, Bikaner.
6. New Light Sec. School, Bikaner.
7. Kadri Public School, Bikaner.
8. Matra seva Sadan Sec. school, Bikaner

  1. Manpower (Photographs of Teaching Faculty should be displayed)

Details of Proposed/appointed teaching Staff (Date of Birth, Qualification, Professional Qualification and other relevant ilnformation) : attach Faculty link

1.Facilities for games & sports 
2.Own Playground Yes
3.Playground of another institution on sharing basis No
4.Facililties of gymnasiumNo
5.Facilities for athleticsYes
6.Facilities for Indoor GamesYes
7.Facilites for Outdoor GamesYes

 Other facilites availableYes/No
1.Canteen facilites available or not Yes
2.Medical facilites available or notYes
3.Hostel facilites available or notNo

  1. Audit Report:  Available


  1. List of Lab Equipments click Here


Note: This is the minimum information provided here. Institutions however may like to add further inputs for information of stakeholders.